Sunday 22 August 2010

Human Rights

Just a small post to draw your attention to some of the disgusting things that the coalition (Conservatives) are doing to 'cut costs'. This could cost thousands of lives, all sacrificed in the name of what? 'Saving Money'. It's disgusting.

Friday 20 August 2010

Thirty Posts On

When I first started this blog back in October 2009, I was just starting out on an exciting journey. A journey that would ultimately not end well for me. At least, not in some ways.

I was just starting my campaign to become the Member of Youth Parliament for South Norfolk. It was new and exciting, running for election. It was a lot of hard work. In the end I lost out to Chloe Donnovan. She won by hundreds of votes, but then, that's what happens when some schools are bigger than others.

After my loss, I think things started to slide slowly downhill. I got kicked off of SNYA Radio for a start. It wasn't my fault, although I took things way too far. Do I regret it? Well considering what SNYA seems to have become, not for a second, I regret acting in the way that I did.

I left Diss Sixth Form. One of the worst decisions of my life, right now I miss my friends, I miss the work, I miss my life about the time of October 2009.

But now things are finally starting to look up again. I am starting a new course, Countryside Management(Wildlife Conservation). A new school year, I hope, signals a fresh start for me.

I wonder what I will be saying in another thirty posts...

Thankyou for standing by me, because if you are reading this blog, I guess you have. I thank each and every one of you for your friendship, and I hope we continue to be close.

Thanks, and goodnight.

Our Energy Crisis

Okay so while I was participating in an online debate, a user posted this, it is about the crisis that we face, as our oil depletes.

'There is plenty of oil left and in the UK we have 300+ years left of coal supply, we only use a portion of the oil we find before resealing it because at the present time we do not have the gadgets needed to extract it at a economically profitable price.

We still have many regions to explore; the ocean floor, remote spots and the poles so don't go worrying yourself over something that is a very long time away. The only reason I agree with swapping from oil/gas for is due to energy security - and the answer is in nuclear power which sadly was delayed for many decades thanks to the Green lobby stalling our development in a sector what we could have become a world-leader in.

It is now very likely that we are going to face power-cuts within the next few years due to our energy grid not being able to cope - a return to the wonderful 70s'.

Now, being Will Litchfield I pretty much disagree with everything this user stands for, he supports UKIP and seems to be in a fair bit of denial. This was my response:

'I have seriously never heard such a load of rubbish strung together in once post. We can't viably keep using coal. It's just not in the interests of the planet. We need to change the way we produce energy, wind, solar, hydro electric. And while I hate nuclear power with a passion, it's unsafe (we were almost blown to pieces down here in East Anglia in 2006 when some pipe got blocked up and it was only just noticed in time at Sizewell B) I agree that for a while, we won't be able to power our country without it, but we'll probably get blown up by terrorists in the mean time, and if not us, the USA.

Yeah, we go exploring for oil all over the place and three things might happen;

Piranha 3D
28 Days Later

So let's just cut the crap, coal is a DEAD energy source. The Coalition abomination are trying to build a load of new (FILTHY FILTHY) coal power stations, god help us if they get it done.

Oil needs to go, it needs to go, ASAP. And Nuclear power is unsafe, but necessary.'

So, that's my opinion on the energy crisis of the world. Of course, the horror movie references were just a joke (perhaps).

Thursday 19 August 2010

Home Education

‘Under a Liberal Democrat government all home educators must register with the local authority and they must have a planned curriculum

This seems to me, the best way I can start this article, by agreeing with the above statement, and for once with the Liberal Democrats. After thinking for a very long time about home education, and the pro’s and con’s, that statement seems to put into words exactly how I feel about it.

Home Education, I have always seen as an easy option. The state doesn’t control the content and so hypothetically, a parent can teach the student whatever they please. Of course I’m not saying that that’s what happens, but it is a flaw in the system.

Children that have been home educated sometimes seem to have a rather interesting view on state schooling, they believe that if they had gone to a state school rather than being home schooled all individuality would of been wiped from them and they would end up ‘exactly the same as everybody else’ . I don’t know exactly how they see people that finish High School but I can tell you we don’t all eat grey sludge and listen to Oams Blues over and over.

We have one of the best state schooling systems in the world here in the United Kingdom, our schools pump out extraordinary pass rates year after year and our quality of life has only improved.

Home Schooling is weak, in theory a parent can teach whatever they like, it is not regulated by the state, and the only way that I can see Home Schooling continuing to be a viable option is to make parents register, and provide them with a set curriculum.

Of course I am basing my views on the home schooled children that I know, and I’m sure there is a successful side of it, or people would not still be home schooled today, but here, in Norfolk, it seems to me a waste of the young peoples potential and a great loss of experience and wisdom that comes with being in a school, the social experience, the homework (which some home schooled children are not set) and the feel of school, and education all around.

It is my opinion, that home schooling as it currently is, is dangerous, and should be regulated, and a set curriculum set in place, to provide future generations, with choice, and the best start they can get in life.

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Will's Got Tumblr!

To follow me on Tumblr, where I talk about things other than politics and stuff, go here. I might even update it more than I update this one.

There's always time to talk nonsense.

Friday 30 July 2010

5 Days That Changed Britain

There is a rather biased documentary by the BBC currently on iPlayer, '5 Days That Changed Britain'. It leans very much towards the Conservatives and shows all of the Labour politicians in a very bad light. Nick Robinson, as always, in favour of the conservatives, conducting the interviews and hosting the programme.

If you would like to watch it, then the link is here

It also leaves out the other parties, Robinson refused to talk to the Green Party, the SNP, all of the smaller parties, showing really just how biased he is.

The film, in my opinion is a disgrace, and I have complained to the BBC about it.

Please, tell me what you think to it, if you have, or will be watching it.